How do I reset my password?


Before resetting, check you are using the right ID by checking the FAQs - Logins document attached. If that is correct, then reset your password.

1. On the Student Hub, click the "Reset My Password" link in the top bar.

2. Enter your student email address
For example,

3. Enter the security characters as displayed on your screen.
For example, xs5vvgs

4. Click next.

5. Select a contact method for the verification code; e.g. email or text.

6. Check your email or phone for the verification message, and enter it into the field.

7. Create a new password.


• Passwords be at least 14 characters in length (no maximum character limit).

• Passwords should not contain any part of your name, date of birth or student ID.

• Does not need to contain uppercase, lowercase, number, special characters.

• Passwords cannot be reused and they must be updated every 6 months.

Password example: appleorangemango
Password example after 180 days change password: appleorangepear


Your password is the same for all computer access (excluding wifi), student email, Blackboard and Student Hub.
Your username for logging into TAFE computers and the Student Hub is your student ID. For example, 3000123
Your username for logging into Microsoft 365 and Blackboard is your student email address. For example,




  • Last Updated 18 12 24
  • Views 474
  • Answered By Ruth Barnett

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